Faith Activist
Inspiration, hope, relationships and growth through Bible teachings
How the opening chapters of Scripture reveal the nature of God and challenge modern assumptions.
Authentic godliness begins not with action but with transformed affections shaped by God's grace.
God created you to shape the world around you in ways far greater than you may realize.
Setting limits with your family is not rebellion but an act of love rooted in biblical wisdom.
Rediscovering God’s design for rest in a restless world.
Why true spiritual growth is more than head knowledge.
How understanding biblical poetry unlocks deeper spiritual insight.
How guiding your child’s heart toward God’s joy transforms parenting.
Discovering the lasting joy that surpasses possessions and comforts.
How the Holy Spirit confirms our identity as God's beloved sons and daughters.
Why real authenticity flows from transformed desires, not outward appearances.
Rediscover how following Jesus is meant to fill our lives with delight and wonder.