Faith Activist
Inspiration, hope, relationships and growth through Bible teachings
Embracing a Slower Pace to Deepen Your Spiritual Life.
The 'Admirable Conjunction' in Jesus Christ.
Exploring the Greek Translation of the Old Testament and Its Significance.
Embracing Courage Through Faith in Christ.
Embracing Christ's Command to Love Our Enemies.
How Immersing in Scripture Revives the Weary Soul.
Tracing the Rare Beauty of Ruth's Character.
Discovering Lasting Joy Through a Christ-Centered Life.
How the Father and Son Glorify Each Other in Divine Love.
Start Your Day with Purpose: Integrating Faith into Your Morning Rituals.
Discovering and Responding to God's Unique Calling Amidst Life's Journey.
Rediscovering Biblical Community Amidst Modern Individualism.