Faith Activist
Inspiration, hope, relationships and growth through Bible teachings
Unveiling the Eternal Joy Found in Understanding God's Final Word.
Why God Values the Inner Peace of Women in a Noisy World.
Loving Boldly in a World That Rejects Truth.
Overcoming Resentment by Trusting in God's Justice.
Practical Ways to Discern Truth Amid Digital Chaos.
How Shallow Teaching Can Lead to a Lifeless Faith.
How boredom reflects our deep longing for God and a world beyond this one.
Why living for something greater than yourself matters in God's plan.
How the pain of childbearing reveals God’s grace and redemption.
Discover the profound truth of Romans 8 why following Christ may demand all but promises eternal joy.
How Scripture calls us to live out justice rooted in love, mercy, and truth.
Discover how to thrive in this transitional season by trusting God’s timing and embracing growth.