Do You Feel Abandoned by God

Finding Assurance in the Midst of Suffering and Silence.

Have you ever felt abandoned by God, especially during your darkest moments? It’s a feeling that can overwhelm even the strongest believer. But throughout scripture, God consistently shows us that even when we feel forsaken, He remains close.

Dan Cruver shares a profound personal testimony from when his young son Daniel was in the final days of life. In those heartbreaking moments, Dan experienced both the closeness and the seeming absence of God. Despite brief moments of comfort, the weight of grief left him feeling abandoned. His journey mirrors the struggle many of us face when our suffering seems to contradict the reality of God's love.

In Romans 8, Paul speaks of a hidden hope a future glory that remains unseen while we endure the suffering of this present time. Just as the world groans in anticipation of future restoration, so do we. Our identity as children of God is already secure, but its full glory remains veiled. This tension between present pain and future glory can leave us feeling disoriented, even questioning God's promises.

We are not alone in this. Even Jesus, in His moment of deepest anguish on the cross, cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Yet, it is in His suffering that we find the greatest assurance: Christ's righteousness, freely given to us, guarantees that no matter how distant God may feel, nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:35–39).

When suffering clouds our understanding, the key is not in how deeply we feel God's presence but in trusting the unchanging truth of His promises. Our emotions may shift, but God’s faithfulness endures. His love, revealed through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, assures us that we are never truly forsaken. As J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in The Lord of the Rings, even in the darkest moments, a distant light can bring hope.

In these moments, it is essential to remember that our standing before God is not based on our feelings but on Christ's finished work. As Paul declares in Romans 8:1, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." This unshakable truth is our anchor, even when God feels distant.

When trials come, lean not on fleeting emotions but on the solid rock of Christ’s righteousness. Let this be the source of your assurance, knowing that God's love is steadfast, even when unseen. This hope empowers us to endure, trusting that one day, His glory will be fully revealed.

As we walk through seasons of silence and suffering, may we hold fast to this hidden hope, confident that God’s love never falters. We may feel forsaken, but in Christ, we are never alone.

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