Was Jesus Confused by the Cross

Unpacking the Meaning Behind Jesus’ Cry of Forsakenness.

As Jesus hung on the cross and cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46), it might seem to some like He was confused or uncertain about His purpose. But a closer look reveals something deeper. This poignant expression is the opening verse of Psalm 22, a Messianic psalm that prophetically describes the suffering and ultimate victory of the Savior. Jesus, immersed in Scripture, quoted this not out of confusion, but as an acknowledgment of the real forsakenness He was enduring for humanity's sake.

The cross was no surprise to Jesus. As John 18:4 tells us, He knew exactly what was coming: “Jesus, knowing all that would happen to him, came forward and said, ‘Whom do you seek?’” Jesus wasn’t bewildered by the unfolding events; rather, He willingly embraced His suffering, fully aware of His mission. The agony expressed in His cry was not a theological inquiry but a reflection of the immense spiritual desolation He was bearing. Forsakenness by God the Father was part of the divine plan as Jesus bore the full weight of our sin.

Jesus' cry from the cross represents the depth of His separation from God, a necessary consequence of the sin He carried for all of us. This separation was the ultimate form of judgment, as Jesus took upon Himself the punishment meant for humanity. By experiencing this forsakenness, He fulfilled the demands of God's justice and provided a way for reconciliation.

What’s crucial to understand is that this moment of abandonment, while real, was not permanent. Psalm 22, the very psalm from which Jesus quoted, concludes with words of hope and victory: "He has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him" (Psalm 22:24). Jesus knew that despite the anguish, His suffering would end in triumph. This shows us that even in the darkest moments, God’s purpose prevails. Hebrews 12:2 reminds us that Jesus "endured the cross for the joy set before him." His cry, therefore, was a real and profound expression of pain, but it was not a sign of defeat. Rather, it was part of the larger story of redemption.

In fulfilling Scripture through His suffering, Jesus also affirms the reliability of God’s Word. Every detail of His passion was foretold, even the casting of lots for His garments (Psalm 22:18). By crying out from Psalm 22, Jesus points us to the fact that His death was not random or accidental, but meticulously planned by God to bring salvation to the world.

So, was Jesus confused by the cross? Absolutely not. His cry was an expression of both His deep suffering and His complete understanding of the redemptive plan He was fulfilling. As Christians, we can find great comfort in knowing that Jesus willingly endured this forsakenness for our sake, and through His obedience, we are brought into right relationship with God.

We are invited to reflect on this sacrifice with gratitude and awe, remembering that Jesus took on our judgment so we could experience eternal life with Him.

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