Reflect Christ’s Love for the Church

Christ sees beauty in His church even through its imperfections.

In today’s world, it’s easy to become disillusioned with the church, seeing only its flaws and failures. However, Christ views His church through a much different lens one of love, beauty, and purpose. The church, though comprised of sinners, is beloved and seen as beautiful in His eyes because she reflects the glory of God and the work of Christ’s redemption.

1. Reflecting Divine Beauty

In Song of Solomon 1:15, we read the bridegroom's tender words to his beloved, "You are beautiful, my love." This passage, often interpreted as an allegory of Christ and His church, underscores how Christ views His bride. He looks upon the church not with disdain for her shortcomings, but with affection, seeing the reflection of His Father’s perfect beauty. As Jonathan Edwards once wrote, God’s beauty is unique and transcendent, a glory that shines through His creation and, ultimately, through His church.

Even though the church struggles with sin and division, Christ recognizes in her the beauty of God's glory. This divine beauty is not derived from the church’s own righteousness but from her union with Christ, the radiance of God’s love.

2. The Cross as the Lens

When Christ sees His church, He looks through the lens of the cross. Our sins, our failures, and our imperfections are washed away by His sacrifice, making us spotless in His sight. As Ephesians 5:27 reminds us, Christ is working to present the church "without spot or wrinkle," perfected through His blood. The cross is where Christ declared His love for His bride, paying the ultimate price to make her holy and beautiful in God’s eyes.

Without the cross, the church would remain stained by sin. But through Christ’s death and resurrection, we are cleansed and made new. This is why Christ can look at His church and call her beautiful not because of any inherent righteousness in us, but because of His sufficiency.

3. Fulfilling the Great Commission

Christ’s love for the church also flows into her mission. As the body of Christ, we are entrusted with proclaiming the gospel to the world. This is not just a task; it is a reflection of Christ’s love and the ultimate beauty of His mission. From the apostles' time onward, the church has carried the good news to the ends of the earth. In Matthew 28:18-20, the Great Commission stands as the ultimate purpose for the church to bring others into the fold of Christ’s love and redemption.

Every act of evangelism and discipleship reflects the beauty of Christ’s love for His people. It’s a mission that transcends time and geography, as Revelation 5:9 declares: people from every tribe and nation will one day worship before the throne.

A Church Awaiting Glory

As the bride of Christ, the church is waiting for the day when her Bridegroom will return. Despite her current imperfections, she is cherished by Christ and destined for eternal glory. In 2 Timothy 4:8, the apostle Paul speaks of the reward that awaits those who long for Christ’s appearing, reminding us that we are a bride waiting for her Groom.

Until that day, Christ bids us to love the church as He does. We are called to see her through the lens of His sacrifice, recognizing her beauty in the midst of her flaws and failures. Just as He loves His bride, so we too are called to love and serve the church, joining in her mission and anticipating her future glory.

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