Mothers as Disciple-Makers

Embracing the Call to Nurture Faith Within and Beyond the Home.

Motherhood is a profound journey, rich with opportunities to shape not only the lives of our children but also the broader community. Central to this role is the call to make disciples, a mandate that extends beyond traditional ministry settings into the very heart of our daily routines.

Discipling Within the Family

The family unit serves as the primary context for disciple-making. Mothers have the unique privilege of guiding their children toward a deep and abiding faith in Christ. This involves more than scheduled devotional times; it encompasses teaching and modeling Christ-like behavior in the everyday moments of life. As Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs, we are to teach God's commandments diligently to our children, discussing them in various contexts throughout the day. This continuous engagement helps children see faith as an integral part of life, not just a compartmentalized activity.

It's important to recognize that our children will be discipled by us, either in the Lord or according to our personal idols. We will guide them toward Jesus, "the fountain of living waters," or toward false gods, "broken cisterns that can hold no water" (Jeremiah 2:13). God has entrusted us with each of our children, whether biological, foster, or adopted, to make disciples, bringing them up "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). We teach them diligently in the normal, even mundane, rhythms of life, and we also show them what it looks like to follow Jesus in all aspects of life, including our repentance.

Engaging the Church Community

Motherhood does not separate us from the body of Christ; rather, it provides a unique avenue to contribute to its growth. By inviting fellow believers into our daily lives, we can model authentic faith and foster mutual discipleship. This might involve hosting small group gatherings in our homes, participating in church ministries, or simply sharing life with others in meaningful ways. Such interactions enrich both our lives and the lives of those we engage with, strengthening the fabric of the church community.

Extending Discipleship Beyond the Home

Our role as disciple-makers also reaches into the broader world. Every interaction we have whether at the grocery store, the park, or in our neighborhoods presents an opportunity to reflect Christ's love. By being intentional in these everyday moments, we can demonstrate the gospel's transformative power to those around us. This might look like offering a listening ear to a neighbor, extending hospitality to a newcomer, or sharing words of encouragement with a stranger.

Overcoming Challenges in Disciple-Making

Balancing the demands of motherhood with the call to make disciples can be challenging. Time constraints, fatigue, and feelings of inadequacy are common hurdles. However, by integrating disciple-making into our daily routines, we can overcome these obstacles. This might involve turning routine tasks into teaching moments, using travel time for spiritual conversations, or incorporating prayer into daily activities. Remember, disciple-making is not about adding more to our to-do list but about infusing our existing tasks with intentionality and purpose.


Embracing our role as disciple-makers enriches our journey as mothers and has a lasting impact on our families and communities. By weaving discipleship into the fabric of our daily lives, we fulfill the Great Commission in the context of our unique calling. As we do so, we not only nurture the faith of those around us but also deepen our own relationship with Christ, experiencing the fullness of joy that comes from walking in obedience to His commands.

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