Resisting Doubt in Our Daily Bible Reading

How to Fight the Inner Skeptic and Grow in Faith Through Scripture.

Many of us have experienced moments of doubt during our Bible reading, when skepticism creeps in, questioning the truth or relevance of the Word. This inner struggle is more than just intellectual—it is often a spiritual battle. In these moments, how can we resist the inner skeptic and embrace the truth that the Bible holds for us?

John Piper offers insightful guidance on how to confront this doubt, rooted in both Scripture and spiritual discipline. Here are six key ways to fight skepticism and deepen our faith through Bible reading:

1. Pray for Divine Assistance

Piper’s first piece of advice is simple but essential: begin every reading of the Bible with prayer. Ask God to fight alongside you in your battle against doubt. As the father of the epileptic boy cried out to Jesus in Mark 9:24, “I believe; help my unbelief.” When we admit our struggle and ask God to conquer it, He is faithful to respond. Prayer helps shift the battle from mere intellect to the spiritual, allowing God's strength to sustain us when we waver.

2. Seek a Vision of Christ's Glory

More than gaining knowledge, Piper encourages us to seek to see the glory of Christ as we read. Think of the story of Thomas, the disciple who doubted until he physically saw the risen Christ. When Jesus appeared, Thomas believed without needing to touch His wounds (John 20:27-29). Similarly, as we read Scripture, we can ask God for a spiritual sight of Christ’s glory that transcends our doubts. This kind of "seeing" is a gift of faith.

3. Reflect on Jesus’s Patience with Doubters

Meditating on the kindness of Jesus to doubters is a powerful practice. Consider Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:28-31). When Peter’s faith faltered, Jesus did not condemn him but immediately reached out to save him. Jesus’s patience with Peter reminds us that He is just as merciful with us when we falter in faith. In your own moments of doubt, remember that Christ’s hand is extended to you as well.

4. Surround Yourself with Faithful Believers

The Christian journey is not meant to be traveled alone. Hebrews 13:7 encourages us to look to those strong in faith and imitate them. Surround yourself with faithful believers who can encourage you in moments of doubt. Their example and wisdom can help strengthen your trust in God’s Word. Moreover, Christian community provides a safe place to share your struggles and receive support in your walk of faith.

5. Lean on the Body of Christ

1 Corinthians 12:21 reminds us that the body of Christ consists of many members, each with their own gifts. Scholars and theologians may have wrestled with and resolved doubts similar to yours. Don’t hesitate to turn to these resources, as God has equipped them to serve the church. Remember that you are not alone in your struggle—others in the body of Christ are there to help.

6. Persevere Through the Battle

Finally, Piper stresses the importance of perseverance. Satan’s goal is to discourage us from reading the Bible altogether. But Scripture tells us, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). When we continue to engage with God’s Word, even in the face of doubt, we open the door for God to strengthen our faith. As we persevere, the Word itself becomes the tool that combats our skepticism.

Conclusion: Keep Pressing On

Doubt is a part of the Christian life, but it doesn’t have to define it. By following these steps, we can resist the inner skeptic and allow the truth of the Bible to transform our hearts and minds. Through prayer, fellowship, and perseverance, we can fight the good fight of faith and grow deeper in our relationship with God.

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