The Wisdom of God Walked Among Us

How Christ Embodies the Wisdom We Desperately Seek in a Confused World.

Christmas is a season that shines light into the deepest parts of our longing, reminding us of the wisdom that came from heaven to walk among us. Advent isn’t merely a time of celebration but also of waiting a yearning for God to make right the chaos and confusion in our world.

The Wisdom We Long For

As we look around, we see confusion and brokenness. Families are torn apart, relationships falter, and our world seems to be constantly spinning in disorder. It's easy to feel lost in the middle of all of it, yearning for guidance and truth. What we need in such moments is not just intelligence or worldly wisdom but the wisdom from above the kind that transforms from the inside out. The Bible, particularly in James 3, contrasts two types of wisdom: one that is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic, and another that is pure, peaceable, and full of mercy.

Earthly wisdom, marked by jealousy and selfish ambition, thrives on disorder. We see its fruits in our pride, our inability to see the good in others, and our constant dissatisfaction with life. It creates turmoil both within and around us, leading to bitterness, envy, and division. But the wisdom from above is different it is pure, devoted to God, and brings peace where chaos once reigned.

The Character of Heavenly Wisdom

James describes heavenly wisdom in a way that echoes the attributes of Christ himself. First, this wisdom is pure, undivided in its devotion to God. Purity of heart and intention is the foundation of a life aligned with God’s purposes. Next, heavenly wisdom is peaceable and gentle. It doesn’t thrive on conflict or seek to escalate tensions. Instead, it seeks peace and promotes harmony.

This wisdom is also open to reason not stubborn or self-righteous, but humble enough to be teachable. It’s full of mercy and good fruits, marked by a readiness to forgive and a desire to do good. And finally, it is impartial and sincere, devoid of hypocrisy or favoritism. These are the traits that point us toward a life that reflects the character of Christ.

Jesus, the Embodiment of Wisdom

In this Advent season, we are reminded that wisdom isn’t just an abstract concept; it came to us in the person of Jesus Christ. The Son of God descended from heaven to walk among us, embodying the very wisdom that James described. Jesus lived a life of perfect purity, undivided in His love and obedience to the Father. His gentleness and meekness were evident in how He treated those burdened by sin and sorrow. His mercy overflowed to all who came to Him, and His impartiality was displayed as He moved among the rich and poor alike.

Christ's wisdom wasn’t just theoretical it was lived out in the day-to-day interactions with the people around Him. He healed the sick, comforted the brokenhearted, and invited the weary to find rest in Him. And as we reflect on His life, we see that this wisdom is not only something to admire from afar but something to embrace and seek in our own lives.

Walking in Wisdom Today

As followers of Christ, we are called to imitate His wisdom. We’re invited to step away from the selfish ambitions and rivalries that lead to division and instead pursue peace, mercy, and sincerity in our relationships. This is no small task, but the good news is that we don’t have to do it alone. The same wisdom that lived and walked in Jesus is available to us today through the Holy Spirit.

As you prepare your heart this Advent, seek to embody the wisdom from above. Let Christ’s life be your guide as you strive for purity, peace, and mercy in all that you do.

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