You Always Need Good Friends by Your Side

How Christian Friendships Shape Our Lives for God's Glory.

Friendship is one of the most overlooked but deeply influential aspects of life. In today's fast-paced world, many of us neglect building or maintaining close friendships, often to our detriment. Yet, the Bible quietly reminds us how vital relationships are to our well-being. Just as Jesus surrounded himself with close friends during his ministry, we too are called to invest in friendships that encourage, support, and spur us on in faith.

The Christian life, by design, is not a solitary walk. We can survive without friends, but true flourishing especially spiritually requires the communal experience that friendships bring. As C.S. Lewis remarked, “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... it has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” God designed us for community because it reveals more of Himself to us. By sharing our lives, we see different facets of God’s nature in one another, drawing closer to Him.

Christian friendships are about more than companionship. They allow us to experience God’s creativity and majesty together. Revelation 7:9 speaks of a redeemed people from every nation, emphasizing how diverse perspectives reveal the full spectrum of Christ’s beauty. We need others to truly see God in His fullness. Just as a stained-glass window reveals more light through its many colors, our friendships bring fresh glimpses of His grace and glory.

Furthermore, friendships inspire action. Much of the good we do for God’s kingdom stems from the encouragement and accountability found in our friends. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Consider how Jesus sent his disciples in pairs (Mark 6:7). He knew that together, they would be stronger, bolder, and more effective for the Gospel. Drew Hunter, in his book Made for Friendship, rightly notes that much of what is truly good in the world comes from the fruit of friendships.

So how do we cultivate such meaningful relationships? C.S. Lewis suggests that true friends don’t form by seeking friendship itself. Instead, friendships naturally blossom when we pursue God together, focusing on loving Him and fulfilling His purposes. As Lewis says, “Those who have nothing can share nothing; those who are going nowhere can have no fellow-travelers.” The more we commit to God’s mission, the more we will find others running alongside us in the same race.

In the end, good friendships aren’t just about filling our social calendars; they’re about glorifying God. As we walk through life, facing joys, trials, and everything in between, it’s the friends who encourage us, pray for us, and push us to live boldly for Christ that make all the difference. Let’s not neglect this gift but nurture it for the sake of the Gospel.

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