Finding Faith’s Place in Marriage: When Two Become One

Sitting in a cozy corner of a bustling café, sipping on iced lattes, a newly married friend confided in me about her spiritual struggles post-marriage. “My time with the Lord has suffered ever since I got married,” she admitted, a tinge of sadness in her voice. This confession struck a chord with me. Having walked a similar path, I understood all too well how the transition into married life could impact one’s spiritual routines.

This conversation sparked a broader reflection: How many other newlyweds are navigating this same challenge?

The Single Season: A Spiritual High

For many, the single years are a golden era of spiritual growth. The freedom to mold one’s schedule allows for extensive periods of uninterrupted prayer and Bible study. Personally, during my single years, solitude not only fueled my spiritual practices but also deepened my yearning for communion with Christ. I filled the void of loneliness with fervent prayers and a plea for a partner, believing that finding fulfillment in Christ was paramount in my waiting.

The Shift in Marriage

However, marriage introduced a seismic shift in my spiritual life. The independence I once enjoyed was replaced by the shared responsibilities and joys of married life. Slowly, the urgency and frequency of my personal devotions diminished, overshadowed by the immediate demands of nurturing a new marriage.

This fading of spiritual fervor post-marriage isn’t uncommon. For many, obtaining the long-desired companionship of a spouse can unexpectedly dull the perceived need for intense personal spiritual time. This shift can lead to feelings of spiritual dryness or a bewildering sense of distance from God.

A Common Misconception

It’s a distressing realization when one’s spiritual practices decline because they seem less thrilling or urgent than the blissful experiences of married life. It brings to the forefront an uncomfortable question: were these spiritual routines merely a means to an end? Was the pursuit of God energized by the underlying goal of securing a marital relationship?

Such introspection often reveals that the anticipation of marriage can sometimes morph into an idol, subtly taking precedence over God in one’s life. This realization highlights a pivotal misunderstanding: marriage, while a profound and beautiful covenant, is not the ultimate fulfillment of one’s spiritual or emotional needs.

Marriage as a Mirror

Marriage acts as a mirror, reflecting our own imperfections and the insufficiency of human relationships to fulfill our deepest needs. This realization is both humbling and instructive. It teaches that while a spouse can offer love, companionship, and support, they cannot replace the spiritual nourishment only God can provide.

The initial disillusionment with the spiritual changes post-marriage often serves as a crucial juncture—prompting a deeper exploration of one’s faith and priorities. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate and reaffirm that Christ remains the cornerstone of life, whether single or married.

The Path Forward

Reintegrating vibrant spiritual practices post-marriage requires intentional effort. It involves recognizing that spiritual disciplines should not fluctuate with life’s seasons but need to be a consistent priority. For married couples, this might mean exploring new ways to engage with the Bible and prayer together, thereby weaving spiritual intimacy into the fabric of their relationship.


Navigating the spiritual dynamics of marriage is a journey of continuous learning and adjustment. It calls for a recommitment to God as the eternal source of life and love, above all else. For those walking this path, remember: the same God who was sufficient in your singleness is equally present and active in your marriage. In every season, our first love must remain Jesus, and our spiritual life must be rooted firmly in Him, transcending all earthly relationships.